Behind the Brand #01: Ivy D

Meet Fleur, a third year Philosophy and Politics student from Van Mildert and the mastermind behind Durham’s most in demand caps.

Buy a limited edition Ivy D cap

What inspired you to start Ivy D?

My brother goes to Princeton in the US and their ‘stash’ is really nice. He gave our dad a Princeton cap, which he wears everyday. On holiday last summer my dad asked if Durham had similar caps. I told him none were as nice, so I designed one for him myself. I then reflected and realised I was entering my final year without having bought any university stash; the existing options felt poor quality and incongruous with the rest of my wardrobe. I decided to make my cap design available to other students who felt the same way as me.

How do you balance student life and running the brand?

Not very well! Balancing student life and a business is challenging, especially since I’ve also had a part-time job and been Head of Fashion for DUCFS this year. I underestimated how time-consuming it would be, which limited my ability to scale Ivy D. Ultimately, I decided to focus on selling one product really well, without compromising on quality.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

When designing the caps, I was inspired by vintage sportswear and brands like Ralph Lauren and Abercrombie & Fitch. This style resonates with Durham students, who are generally sporty, preppy, and appreciate high-quality pieces. I wanted the hat to be versatile,
looking equally great whether on a quick run to Tesco in Market Square, at the Racecourse in the summer, or on holiday beyond Durham.

One word to describe Ivy D?


What advice would you give someone starting a business?

Never compromise on the product or cut corners. Even if a product is ultimately successful, there will be weeks of low sales, and you’ll have to persevere. This is easier when you believe in your product, knowing the design and finishes are the best they can be. When my
first order of hats arrived with wonky garment labels, I faced a difficult decision: accept them and risk missing the first week of term or return them for a two-week delay. I chose not to compromise on quality and sent them back, a decision I stand by. There have been times this year when I’ve questioned whether I should keep going but I’ve never questioned the product itself.

An essential item from your wardrobe?

A plain white t-shirt with a perfect fit – an absolute staple.

What has been the best thing about your time in Durham?

The people! There’s such a great sense of community in Durham and it’s something I’ll really miss when I move to London.

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